Developing mitochondrial-targeted therapies for the multisystem management of diabetic eye disease
ActiveSeptember 2024 - September 2027 -
The effect of the density and distribution of panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) laser on driving visual fields in people with diabetes
Starting soonJune 2024 - February 2025 -
Repairing the retina’s blood supply before sight-threatening damage occurs
Developing a better alternative to anti-VEGF drugs
CompletedDecember 2013 - February 2017 -
Why do nerve cells and blood vessels stop working together in diabetes?
Understanding an early ‘biomarker’ of diabetic retinopathy
CompletedOctober 2010 - October 2013 -
Retinal vessel function to identify and assess diabetic retinopathy in coronary artery disease patients
Does a new method of assessing retinal vessel function improve the diagnosis and risk stratification of diabetic retinopathy in patients with coronary artery disease?
CompletedJanuary 2013 - December 2014 -
What is the impact of diabetic retinopathy in the UK?
Building information to inform future healthcare policy
CompletedAugust 2016 - July 2019 -
Automatic computer screening for diabetic retinopathy
Using high-tech machine learning to speed up diagnosis and lower costs.
CompletedOctober 2015 - September 2018 -
Molecular dissection of the retina to elucidate early changes in diabetes
Novel technique is first to define how every cell type in the retina responds to diabetes
CompletedJuly 2018 - April 2022 -
Glycosylation of VEGF Receptors as Pathogenic Regulator of Retinopathies
ActiveMay 2023 - April 2026