Understanding Vision Loss
A to Z of eye conditions, personal stories and more

Learn more about eye disease, the research we're funding, and resources that can help people with vision loss.
Every six minutes, someone in the UK learns that they will lose their sight. Some will have progressive vision loss; others may be receiving a diagnosis that has already impacted generations of family members due to inherited eye disease.
Understanding more about an eye condition, its causes, diagnosis and treatment is vital for many experiencing vision loss.
Our comprehensive A to Z of eye disease includes information on over 50 conditions. Many include references to the research we're funding to help better understand, diagnose, treat, and prevent vision loss, as set out in our five-year research strategy.
A-Z of eye conditions
Learn about the symptoms, causes and treatments for over 50 eye conditions, and how the research we fund is making a difference.

Coping with Vision Loss
We fund projects that are changing the lives of blind and vision impaired people, who are more likely to face reduced mental health, well-being, and confidence, as well as lower levels of financial security than the general public.
How the eye works
We often refer to different areas of the eye when explaining why you are experiencing vision loss. Find out more about the anatomy of the eye. Discover more about the retina and its role in delivering vision, for example.
Eye health tips
Much vision loss is preventable or treatable, and we know that early diagnosis improves outcomes in many cases. Read our tips for looking after your eye health.

“I'm one of those people who doesn’t really shout about my sight loss condition. I'd rather people not know. I'd rather just be the same as everyone else and just get on with it”