Leaving a gift in your will

To cure vision loss within a lifetime.

Heping Xu in the Lab working alongside a fellow researcher.

Entrust us with your legacy

Entrust us with your legacy, and we’ll use our experience and expertise to prevent and treat vision loss within a lifetime.

We'll ensure the money you leave to us will also improve the lives of people living with vision loss today.

Every six minutes someone in the UK hears that they will lose their sight. Other losses follow; friendships, relationships, the self-confidence to step outside the front door. With your gift, we can create a future where no one faces vision loss alone. We’re already funding projects tackling loneliness and isolation throughout the country. 

With your legacy – whatever the size - we can put change in sight.

A young girl on a farm visit for children with vision impairment. She is petting a pony at the stables and smiling.

Leaving a gift in your will is a promise you make to future generations.

How to entrust Fight for Sight with your legacy...

There are a number of different ways you can leave a legacy that will improve the lives of people facing and living with vision loss: 

A residuary gift

After giving what you want to friends and family, you can leave what’s left (or a percentage of what’s left) to Fight for Sight. This sort of gift will keep its value over time.

A cash gift

You can leave a fixed amount of money to Fight for Sight. Because of inflation, the value of a fixed cash gift will decrease over time, so you may want to review cash gifts from time to time. Alternatively, you can ask your solicitor about linking your cash gifts to the Retail Price Index so they maintain their value.

A gift in kind

You can leave possessions to us, like property, shares, jewellery, or furniture.

In a trust

You can set aside a sum in your will which is left in a trust fund and given to Fight for Sight when the term of the trust fund ends.

Get in touch

To remember Fight for Sight in your will

You will need to include the Charity address: Fight for Sight, 18 Mansell Street, London, E1 8AA
Plus our Registered Charity number: 1111438

If you already have a will and would like to add a gift to Fight for Sight, you may be able to add a simple form, known as a codicil, to your existing will. Please speak to your solicitor or will writer to find out more.

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about leaving a gift to Fight for Sight in your will. Writing a will or how gifts in wills can inspire and transform a generation, we’d love to hear from you.

You can contact our fundraising team by:

Phone: 020 7620 2066
Email: info@fightforsight.org.uk
Post: Fight for Sight, 18 Mansell Street, London, E1 8AA

Please do let us know if you have decided to include Fight for Sight in your will. We are so grateful for your support and would love to extend our personal thanks.

Free will service

We have partnered with the National Free Wills Network to offer a free will-writing service for people aged over 55.

By using the Free Wills Network you can get free professional help drafting your will. We will put you in touch with a solicitor who will help you make or amend a simple will at no cost. Then, if you decide to include a gift for Fight for Sight, you'll be part of putting change in sight for future generations. 

Get your will written or updated – free of charge 

The National Free Wills Network is a free service that enables Fight for Sight supporters to have their will written or updated by local solicitors.  

With a professionally written will, you’ll get immense peace of mind – that great feeling that comes from knowing you’ve completed an important task and that you’ve taken care of your family and loved ones. You will also have an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the future of eye research by including a gift to Fight for Sight.

By leaving a gift to us in your will, you could leave a legacy of sight for generations to come. From common conditions like glaucoma and cataract to a host of lesser-known but equally devastating causes of sight loss, you could ensure that the research teams investigating treatments have the resources they need to make future breakthroughs.  

Three easy steps to make or amend your will, free of charge.

  1. For more information just give us a call on 020 7620 2066 or email info@fightforsight.org.uk and we'll be happy to help.
  2. The National Free Wills Network will send you more information and a list of participating solicitors in your area.
  3. Make an appointment for a free session – Fight for Sight will cover the cost, provided you have a simple will (there may be additional charges for more complex estates). 

Some of the projects your gift could support:

A large group of young adults all wearing yellow hoodies are posing on a sandy beach in front of a row of colourful beach huts. Some of the people have their arms around each other's shoulders, some are kneeling on the sand. They are all looking very happy
Social change
How Usher Kids UK is bringing isolated families together
How Usher Kids UK is bringing isolated families together
Two young people visiting a farm, they are each holding a chicken in their arms
Social change
Farm visits for young people are enriching lives and creating community
Farm visits for young people are enriching lives and creating community
Brightly coloured section of genetic code
Decoding the genetics of inherited retinal diseases
Decoding the genetics of inherited retinal diseases
  • Leave a gift
  • Find out how
  • Donate in memory
  • Free will service