Logging in to the CMS

Log-in screen

To log-in, go to https://www.fightforsight.org.uk/umbraco

Your username will be your email address. You will receive your password by email. 

Please don't share your login details with anyone. 

A screengrab of a log-in screen with details entered

Changing your password

When you log-in for the first time, you should change your password.

You can change your password by navigating to the top right hand corner of the welcome screen and clicking on your initials.

Screengrab showing that the account is in the top right hand corner of the workspace

In your account, click on the button 'change password'.

Screengrab showing a button in the account section where you can change your password

An overlay will pop-up, with fields for you to enter your old password and then add your new password.

screen grab showing how to change your password

The content tree

The content tree is a hierarchical structure that allows you to navigate through the different sections of the website and locate the page you need in the CMS.

What is available to you in the content tree, will depend on your permissions within the CMS. If you can't find the content you need, please contact the comms team to review your permissions. 

Navigating the content tree

The content tree is an expandable accordion, which sits on the left-hand side of the screen. It reflects the structure of the site, with 'Home' sitting at the top of the tree. 

To expand the content tree, you click on the small arrow to the left of 'Home', which will open out the next level of content. 

screen grab showing the start of the content tree
screen grab showing the content tree navigation

Keep clicking into the content tree until you find the page you are looking for. When you have found the page you want, click on the page name. This will show you the contents of that page.

screen grab showing how you navigate to the page you want to edit

Media library

The media library is where you can access existing images, videos and documents. You can also upload new media items here. 

Finding an image in the media library

In the top ribbon - or navigation - of the CMS, click on media.

Screengrab showing where to find the media folder in the navigation ribbon at the top of the page

You will then have the option to choose from a number of different folders. Select the one that is of interest to you. 

Screengrab showing where to find all the media folders

Once you have chosen a folder, you will be shown all the images that sit within that folder. 

Screengrab of a selection of images in a media folder. You can click on any of these images to view more information on the image.
  • Logging in
  • content tree
  • Media library