Social change funding

Our funding builds connections and confidence and boosts independence.

Two young people on a farm visit funded by Fight for Sight for children with vision impairment. They are having a chat over lunch.

The social change fund

The social change fund exists to ignite and accelerate projects that will change the lives of blind and vision impaired people in the UK. We’ve funded projects tackling issues including loneliness and isolation, employment, and domestic violence and abuse.

Social change fund

Rory, a white man stands in a field about to throw a cricket ball. He's smiling determinedly and wearing a blue baseball cap.

We have an absolute amazing partnership with Fight for Sight

Rory Field
Meet Rory from Metro Blind Sport

What we fund

We fund research that increases understanding of what it means to be blind or vision impaired in the UK today— for example, experiences of loneliness and isolation, employment, being a survivor or victim of domestic abuse. The work we fund impacts individuals, sectors and society:

Individuals: Everyone's experience of vision loss is different. The research and projects we fund seek to impact individuals throughout the UK. 

Sector: We share the results of our research and the impact of the projects we fund, to inform people across and beyond the vision loss sector. 

Society: The insights we gain from our impact help influence societal change and make it easier for others to replicate success. 

"The Outside report explores trends in the lived experience of loneliness and isolation…It creates a compelling case for change, and we hope it will inform and inspire action.”

Eleanor Southwood Director of Social Impact
Read the report
  • 21,723
    The number of individuals we reached with social change projects we funded in 2022/23
  • £6.8m
    investment in social change over a five-year strategy

The Capacity Building Fund

We’re committed to supporting community organisations to step up for blind and vision impaired people. Our capacity building fund provides unrestricted funding to help sight loss organisations become more sustainable.

Capacity Building Funding

A large group of young adults all wearing yellow hoodies are posing on a sandy beach in front of a row of colourful beach huts. Some of the people have their arms around each other's shoulders, some are kneeling on the sand. They are all looking very happy

"The Resilience Funding from Fight for Sight will ensure Usher Kids UK can continue to support and empower the families they work with, while growing capacity to reach more people."

Chloe Joyner Founder Usher Kids UK 

Get in touch

Do you have an idea for research in this area, or a collaboration opportunity? We’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch

  • Social Change Fund
  • Capacity Building Fund
  • Get in touch